Liebster Award

Thank you so much to for nominating my blog for an award! Be sure to check out her blog, it’s fantastic.


Here are the questions I have been assigned to answer! 😀

1. Who is your blogging inspiration? 

My two blogging inspirations are actually both fictional! When I was younger I watched the film ‘The Perfect Man’ with Hiliary Duff in and she blogged about her life and the younger Soph thought ‘ooh that looks cool I might have to try that’. But when I was younger I didn’t really know what to blog about so nothing really came of it. Then I started watching Sex and The City and loved Carrie Bradshaw. So I was inspired by two fictional characters to blog! Carrie Bradshaw still inspires me even though she is fictional!

2. What’s your biggest dream? 

That’s a toughie. I guess my biggest dream would be to be successful. And by that I don’t just mean to get a job I love but to be happy and for my family and dearest friends to be happy also.

3. Who’s your idol and why? 

My idol(s) would have to be my parents. They have taught my sister and I amazing advice and life lessons. Both Georgia and myself look up to them and aspire to be like them when we ‘grow up’.

4. What do you wanted to be “when you grow up” as a little kid? 

I changed my mind so much when I was little. At first I wanted to be a vet because I loved animals (but I hated the sight of blood so that was a no-no). Then I wanted to be a footballer, then a fashion designer, then an art teacher and finally (the one I’m hopefully sticking with) a writer.

5. Which 5 items you can’t leave your house without? 





-Bottle of water/ chocolate bar

6. Which are the TV Series you’re currently obsessing with? 

I am literally OBSESSED with Orange is the New Black. It’s about a fictional women’s prison, I can’t stop watching it!

7. Which is your happy place?

My happy place is at home with my family.

8. Which’s your favorite motivational quote of all time? 

It’s a pretty long one so brace yourself. It’s from Rocky – ‘The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place. And I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is gunna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!’

9. What’s your favorite thing about your hometown?

My favourite thing about my hometown is that it is home. Whenever we are driving back from Uni and we enter Yorkshire I am so happy. The people are so much nicer, more chatty,my accent is considered normal, the air is cleaner, the water is fresher and the views are incredible. Yorkshire is definitely one of a kind in terms of places to live.

10. What do you usually do on a Friday night? 

Hmm it depends where I am. If i’m at uni then I’ll be with my girls either cocktails/ cosy night in/ meal out. Friday night is a time we can chill together and catch up. If I’m at home I’ll either be again with my girls from my hometown and we’ll either be at the cinema/ cocktails/ meal or something. Or I’ll be with my family watching films with loads of sweeties!

11. Which is your favorite movie and why?

My favourite movie has been and will always always always be Grease. I literally could watch that movie 55000 times and not get bored. When I was little I knew all the words and songs!

Here are my 11 questions

1- What do you think of Fitspirations? Are they a bad or a good thing?

2- What do you like to do when you have free time?

3- What singers/bands are you into?

4- What is your favourite item of clothing in your wardrobe?

5- Where would your dream vacation be?

6- What is your dream job?

7- Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

8- How have you changed in the last five years?

9- What are you favourite books/ books you would recommend?

10- What made you want to blog?

11- What is your favourite place you have visited?

I nominate…

30 Fun Things I Did This Summer

This summer has been without a doubt the BEST summer of my life! Like last year I thought I would share with you guys the highlights!

1- VIENNA !! This was incredible, not only seeing one of the most beautiful cities but seeing my bestest friend too!

2- Edinburgh zoo!

3- Edinburgh Castle!

4- Holione Festival

5- Several cocktail sessions with my girlies.

6- Visiting Carlisle.

7- My Sister’s 18th birthday celebrations!

8- My Mum’s birthday celebrations!

9-  When me and one of my best friends won a t-shirt from the night club at home (kind of an inside joke)

10- Shopping in Manchester

11- Staying in a London hotel by myself!

12- Shopping in Leeds

13- Flying by myself

14- Getting back into my boxing training

15- Sleepover and baking with my little cousin

16- Dominoes sessions with my auntie, uncle and cousins

17- Winning The Fashionista Award!

18- Being asked to be a bridesmaid by one of my best friends!

19- Getting a selfie with a pelican (had to be done)

20- Visiting not one but TWO zoos

21- Breakfasting often with my girlies

22- Fault in our Stars (enough said)

23- Also other cinema trips (inbetweeners 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Let’s be cops, Begin again)

24- Tour de France coming to Yorkshire

25- Going to see WICKED at the theatre

26- Having my blog nominated for a second award!

27- Gym, Gym and more Gym!

28- Watching Pretty Woman for the first time EVER (shocking I know)

29- Realising that your best friends and family can get you through one of the rubbishest situations.

30- Coming to uni and it setting itself up to be the best year yet!

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I would like to give a huge thank you to for nominating me for this award!

The Rules

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.

2. Put the award logo on your blog.

3. Answer the ten questions they have set you.

4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.

5. Nominate ten people

My answers to the questions I have been asked

1. If you could go anywhere in the world, which place would you choose and why?

There are so many places I would like to go because I absolutely love travelling. The place I would choose would be Pinsk in Belarus where my Grandad Chekruga was born. Just because it would be really interesting to visit somewhere which is so relevant to my ancestors and heritage.

2. What traits from your childhood have you kept?

As a child I was always very smiley and happy which I still am. I was quite a confident child and liked to sing, dance and perform at shows and for my family. In high school I was in the choir, a dance troop and a singer in a band! I also loved to read and draw (which is true still!). As a kid I also couldn’t stop talking and I still can’t!

3. What is your dream job?

My absolute dream job would be a job as a full time writer. I would love to write my own books and be a Journalist.

4. What are the things you are most grateful for in your life?

I am most grateful for my family and best friends, I’m so lucky to have them in my life because I couldn’t have achieved what I have without their love and support. I am also grateful for my health and that I have access to education which a lot in the world don’t.

5. What is your philosophy in life?

I’m a big believer in karma. I think if you put out positive energy in the world by doing good things and being kind to people, it will come back to you. I also believe in having a positive mental attitude because if you are negative or defeatist you will never achieve as much as you had hoped. I also am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.

6. What is the best book you have ever read?

The best book I have ever read and is my all time favourite – ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Brontë. This book is the most passionate love story I have ever read. The way it is written is simply exquisite and if you haven’t already, you should get yourself a copy to read! 😛

7. If you had an option to change places with any person in the world, would you do it? If yes, who would it be?

I wouldn’t change places with anyone because I love my life buuuuut that’s a pretty boring answer. Soooo if I could switch places with someone it would be Kim Kardashian because she travels everywhere, gets to wear amazing designer dresses and shoes and like me has a really close family. Also she looks amazing! haha!

8. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

Three instances came to mind when I read this question =

a- I once flew to Poland and back in a day (I basically went on a day trip to Poland).

b- I moved to a place by myself I had never heard of and didn’t know anybody at all.

c- I travelled to London and then flew to Austria and back by myself (that’s a huge deal for me because I hardly ever fly).

9. What is one of your dreams that has been fulfilled?

I got all five of my uni options and I’m now starting my final year at my dream university. I also passed my driving test which I found hard because it wasn’t really anything I could revise for, it was all practical and a skill which took a lotttt of time for me to learn.

10. What is one thing you couldn’t live without?

Family/friends. They mean everything to me.

My Questions

1- What is your favourite item in your wardrobe?

2- What is the best compliment you have ever received?

3-  Do you believe in love at first sight?

4- What is the favourite place you have visited?

5- If you could give your 10 year old self some advice what would you say?

6- What are your ambitions?

7- What are you proud of?

8- What are three things you could not live without?

9- What are your top 5 favourite books?

10- What is your dream job?

My Nominees









