Beauty Blogger Award

Eeeek thank you so much to Clarina for nominating me for the Beauty Blogger Award! I loveeee receiving these! Make sure to check out her blog and her Youtube channel!

I would like to nominate anybody who would like to do this tag! xox

Here gooooes…

What’s your number one holy grail high street or ‘drugstore’ product?

It would have to be vaseline! I swear by it – whether it is chapped lips/skin, holding your eyebrow shape in place, highlighting your cheek bones – I love it! It is so kind to skin and soo unbelievably cheap!

Which product is currently on the top of your wishlist?

MAC Sculpt and Shape Powder to add to my contour product collection!

 Sculpt and Shape Powder

How long have you been blogging for?

I’ve been blogging now for almost three years! It has gone super quick and my blog has evolved so much over those three years. I am so happy with the direction it has taken. It all started in my room at my halls of residence at university!

What’s your favourite item of clothing for the cooler months?

I love my knit wear! My Grandma gave me a dark pink turtle neck jumper last winter and I absolutely love it! She has the matching one in light pink!

What inspired you to start your blog?

A few things inspired me really. I watched the film ‘Perfect Man’ when I was younger and had my Hilary Duff obsession. In that film the main character has a blog and it really interested me but when I was little blogging really wasn’t a thing or wasn’t as big as it is now. Another thing which inspired me to start my blog was Carrie Bradshaw! She’s a cosmopolitan, fashion loving writer from New York in the well known programme Sex and The City – and well who wouldn’t want to be her?!

The favourite part of your makeup routine?

Contouring! I loveeee contouring! I have now worked out (after a lot of trial and error!) the best shapes and shades for the different parts of my face now! I love contouring with my Sephora contouring kit – it is definitely my favourite make up item I own at the moment!

What’s your favourite brand of makeup?

MAC is definitely my favourite brand of make up. Even though at times it can be quite costly, all my items I have bought from there are amazing quality and last such a long time! I want to know that what I am putting on my skin is good for it and I can guarantee when I buy MAC branded products that I won’t have an allergic reaction or anything. Also I think the products themselves are incredible – the lipsticks especially are amazing!

What’s one product you think everyone should own?

Simple Moisturiser Light. I literally swear by this. I use it as a primer, as a moisturiser, as a hand cream and as an aftersun. It is super cheap (often in the 3 for 2 deal at Boots). I always buy this product about 3 at a time! It makes my skin feel so fresh and unlike other moisturisers it doesn’t leave your skin feeling oily. Also it’s great for all skin types – my younger cousin uses it as well as my Grandma!

What is your favourite skin care product that you feel has made the most difference in your skin?

Probably Simple Cleanser, Simple Toner and Simple Moisturiser Light used together. The cleanse-tone-moisturise routine did my skin wonders! These products are so friendly to my skin and are high street brands too so they don’t break the bank!

If you could have any celebrities hair, whose would it be?

It would have to be the old school Cheryl Cole hair do!

I love the colour, the length and the volume! Definitely hair goals!

I would like to nominate anybody who would like to do this tag! xox

The Real Neat Blog Award

I want to say a massive thank you to Daisy aka for my FIFTH award nomination! So crazy! I absolutely love her blog! She did a post about what she loves about each of her followers, I thought that that was such a lovely, personal and kind thing to do! She puts a lot of time and effort into her blog and it’s fab! So make sure to check it out and give her a follow! 🙂

OK, so these are the rules…

1) Put the award logo on your blog.
2) Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
3) Thank the person who nominated you, linking to their blog.
4) Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.
5) Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

Here are my questions woo let’s get started!!

What is one thing that you’ve never done before, but you’d really like to try?

One thing I would love to try but haven’t yet is swimming with dolphins! It is always something I have wanted to do – definitely on my bucket list!

What was your favourite movie as a child?

When I was little-little I loved The Little Mermaid and Toy Story. But when I was about 6/7 onwards Grease was my favourite movie (and still is). I used to be always watching it, I knew every single word of the whole film. Grease is like the whoooollleeee family’s favourite film. Me and my uncle used to make up Grease quizzes for each other to keep me occupied hahaa

You have met Marty Mcfly and Doc Brown, and they have offered you a ride in the Delorian to any time period of your choosing. When do you choose and why?

The Victorian era! That is my favourite period in literature. I loveee to read about it so would definitely like to travel back in time to then!

Since it was recently May the 4th (May the fourth be with you! Hahaha) what is your favourite geeky/nerdy thing?

I am a bit of a geek/nerd all-round really! Doing an english lit degree, reading is like my favourite thing ever so 95% of the time if you look in my handbag I’ll have a book or magazine of some kind because lets face it you never know when you might want to read! haha!

If you could create a new word for the English language, what would it be? What is its definition?

One of my favourite sayings is ‘this too shall pass’. It’s such a good phrase if you are going through a bad time or just had a bad day so I would make up a word which means that, so I can say it to people to reassure them that bad moments are only temporary.

What is your favourite board game?

Ooh I love a good family game of cluedo or monopoly. My grandparents used to play monopoly with my sister and I in the school holidays when we were younger and it would be so funny because me and my sister just made up our own rules to it so would obviously always win!

What song could you listen to 100 times but never get tired of?

MKTO – Classic. I absolutely loveee the acoustic version!

I nominate…..

Here are my questions!

1) What is your favourite quote?

2) Which place (out of the places you have travelled to) is your favourite?

3) Where would you like to visit?

4) What is something that you are looking forward to?

5) What would you say are your greatest achievements?

6) What are your favourite books?

7) Five items which you would take to a desert island.

Liebster Award #2


I woke up yesterday to find that I had received an award nomination! Thank you so much to for nominating me! Y’all should check out her blog!

Here are the questions I have been asked…

Why do you blog?

I blog because I love it. It’s my passion. Ever since I could remember I would constantly be reading or writing. I love interacting with other bloggers too. I really feel like the blogging community is so lovely and so supportive. I’ve made some new friends and been able to share hints/tips and beauty tricks with like minded people with the same passion as me!
How did you come up with your blog name?

It’s my name! My Grandfather was Ukrainian so that’s where the ‘Chekruga’ part comes from and Sophie is my first name!
Describe your fashion style.

I would describe my style as girly meets goth. I love wearing girly, classic pieces but I wear a lotttt of black, and am a big fan of black chunky boots.
Where do you usually shop?

For make up I shop at Boots, Superdrug and MAC. For clothes I shop mostly on the high street so Topshop and River Island.
What is your favorite fashion accessory?

I loveeee my rings. I think they are my favourite fashion accessory. Or a handbag!
Who is your style icon?

I have three.

Marilyn Monroe – she is iconic. I love how classy and elegant she always looks.

Kim Kardashian – similar to her I’m curvy and I feel like she really dresses for her body type and embraces her curves. She is a great example for girls everywhere to love their curves.

Kylie Jenner – I love her outfits. Whatever she wears she looks incredible. She isn’t afraid to be a bit edgy. What I love about her is her confidence to wear any outfit and rock it.

What is your favorite make-up brand?

As you all know I am OBSESSED with MAC! So I would have to say that. 😛
What is your dream job?

To be a blogger for a living! I enjoy blogging so much and it would be so perfect if this is what I did for a living every single day.
What country would you love to visit next?

What do you usually do in your free time?

I am such a busy body! I do a lot of sport! I do yoga, zumba, circuit training, weights class, the gym and running. I have meals/cocktails/walks/sleepovers/nights out with my best friends, I spend a lot of time with my close and extended family- visiting my grandparents, spending time with my younger cousins. I read, write, do research for my blog!
What kind of music do you listen to?

At the moment I am obsessed with Kygo remixes which are a bit housey. I also love old school Kanye West and Conor Maynard’s mash ups.

11 Random Facts About Me

1- I have been on a day trip to Poland.

2- I’m 1/4 Ukrainian.

3- I have been best friends with Sarah and Hannah for ten years.

4- My favourite food is pie!

5- The Todd Kraines prank never fails to make me laugh.

6- My favourite type of literature is gothic literature.

7- If I hadn’t have gone to uni I would have probably gone into hairdressing.

8- Next month I am doing a skydive, raising money for breast cancer.

9- I have run cross country for my university.

10- When I was younger I thought Dream Street were the best.

11- I support Manchester City Football Club


Who I am nominating…

It is so difficult to choose just eleven bloggers!

Here are your eleven questions to answer…

1 – How has blogging changed your life?

2 – Do you have any beauty tips/tricks you swear by?

3 – Where do you find inspiration for your blog posts?

4 – Where do you see yourself in ten years time?

5 – Who are your style icons?

6 – What made you decide to write a blog?

7 – Where would you love to travel to?

8 – What are your top three favourite books?

9 – Put your ipod on shuffle, what are the first five songs that come up?

10 – What are your favourite quotes?

11 – What are your TV guilty pleasures?

Liebster Award

Thank you so much to for nominating my blog for an award! Be sure to check out her blog, it’s fantastic.


Here are the questions I have been assigned to answer! 😀

1. Who is your blogging inspiration? 

My two blogging inspirations are actually both fictional! When I was younger I watched the film ‘The Perfect Man’ with Hiliary Duff in and she blogged about her life and the younger Soph thought ‘ooh that looks cool I might have to try that’. But when I was younger I didn’t really know what to blog about so nothing really came of it. Then I started watching Sex and The City and loved Carrie Bradshaw. So I was inspired by two fictional characters to blog! Carrie Bradshaw still inspires me even though she is fictional!

2. What’s your biggest dream? 

That’s a toughie. I guess my biggest dream would be to be successful. And by that I don’t just mean to get a job I love but to be happy and for my family and dearest friends to be happy also.

3. Who’s your idol and why? 

My idol(s) would have to be my parents. They have taught my sister and I amazing advice and life lessons. Both Georgia and myself look up to them and aspire to be like them when we ‘grow up’.

4. What do you wanted to be “when you grow up” as a little kid? 

I changed my mind so much when I was little. At first I wanted to be a vet because I loved animals (but I hated the sight of blood so that was a no-no). Then I wanted to be a footballer, then a fashion designer, then an art teacher and finally (the one I’m hopefully sticking with) a writer.

5. Which 5 items you can’t leave your house without? 





-Bottle of water/ chocolate bar

6. Which are the TV Series you’re currently obsessing with? 

I am literally OBSESSED with Orange is the New Black. It’s about a fictional women’s prison, I can’t stop watching it!

7. Which is your happy place?

My happy place is at home with my family.

8. Which’s your favorite motivational quote of all time? 

It’s a pretty long one so brace yourself. It’s from Rocky – ‘The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place. And I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is gunna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!’

9. What’s your favorite thing about your hometown?

My favourite thing about my hometown is that it is home. Whenever we are driving back from Uni and we enter Yorkshire I am so happy. The people are so much nicer, more chatty,my accent is considered normal, the air is cleaner, the water is fresher and the views are incredible. Yorkshire is definitely one of a kind in terms of places to live.

10. What do you usually do on a Friday night? 

Hmm it depends where I am. If i’m at uni then I’ll be with my girls either cocktails/ cosy night in/ meal out. Friday night is a time we can chill together and catch up. If I’m at home I’ll either be again with my girls from my hometown and we’ll either be at the cinema/ cocktails/ meal or something. Or I’ll be with my family watching films with loads of sweeties!

11. Which is your favorite movie and why?

My favourite movie has been and will always always always be Grease. I literally could watch that movie 55000 times and not get bored. When I was little I knew all the words and songs!

Here are my 11 questions

1- What do you think of Fitspirations? Are they a bad or a good thing?

2- What do you like to do when you have free time?

3- What singers/bands are you into?

4- What is your favourite item of clothing in your wardrobe?

5- Where would your dream vacation be?

6- What is your dream job?

7- Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

8- How have you changed in the last five years?

9- What are you favourite books/ books you would recommend?

10- What made you want to blog?

11- What is your favourite place you have visited?

I nominate…

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I would like to give a huge thank you to for nominating me for this award!

The Rules

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.

2. Put the award logo on your blog.

3. Answer the ten questions they have set you.

4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.

5. Nominate ten people

My answers to the questions I have been asked

1. If you could go anywhere in the world, which place would you choose and why?

There are so many places I would like to go because I absolutely love travelling. The place I would choose would be Pinsk in Belarus where my Grandad Chekruga was born. Just because it would be really interesting to visit somewhere which is so relevant to my ancestors and heritage.

2. What traits from your childhood have you kept?

As a child I was always very smiley and happy which I still am. I was quite a confident child and liked to sing, dance and perform at shows and for my family. In high school I was in the choir, a dance troop and a singer in a band! I also loved to read and draw (which is true still!). As a kid I also couldn’t stop talking and I still can’t!

3. What is your dream job?

My absolute dream job would be a job as a full time writer. I would love to write my own books and be a Journalist.

4. What are the things you are most grateful for in your life?

I am most grateful for my family and best friends, I’m so lucky to have them in my life because I couldn’t have achieved what I have without their love and support. I am also grateful for my health and that I have access to education which a lot in the world don’t.

5. What is your philosophy in life?

I’m a big believer in karma. I think if you put out positive energy in the world by doing good things and being kind to people, it will come back to you. I also believe in having a positive mental attitude because if you are negative or defeatist you will never achieve as much as you had hoped. I also am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.

6. What is the best book you have ever read?

The best book I have ever read and is my all time favourite – ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Brontë. This book is the most passionate love story I have ever read. The way it is written is simply exquisite and if you haven’t already, you should get yourself a copy to read! 😛

7. If you had an option to change places with any person in the world, would you do it? If yes, who would it be?

I wouldn’t change places with anyone because I love my life buuuuut that’s a pretty boring answer. Soooo if I could switch places with someone it would be Kim Kardashian because she travels everywhere, gets to wear amazing designer dresses and shoes and like me has a really close family. Also she looks amazing! haha!

8. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

Three instances came to mind when I read this question =

a- I once flew to Poland and back in a day (I basically went on a day trip to Poland).

b- I moved to a place by myself I had never heard of and didn’t know anybody at all.

c- I travelled to London and then flew to Austria and back by myself (that’s a huge deal for me because I hardly ever fly).

9. What is one of your dreams that has been fulfilled?

I got all five of my uni options and I’m now starting my final year at my dream university. I also passed my driving test which I found hard because it wasn’t really anything I could revise for, it was all practical and a skill which took a lotttt of time for me to learn.

10. What is one thing you couldn’t live without?

Family/friends. They mean everything to me.

My Questions

1- What is your favourite item in your wardrobe?

2- What is the best compliment you have ever received?

3-  Do you believe in love at first sight?

4- What is the favourite place you have visited?

5- If you could give your 10 year old self some advice what would you say?

6- What are your ambitions?

7- What are you proud of?

8- What are three things you could not live without?

9- What are your top 5 favourite books?

10- What is your dream job?

My Nominees











The Fashionista Award!

I have some exciting news to share! My blog has been nominated for The Fashionista Award! Thank you to Natalie for nominating me! If you’d like to check out her blog, it is 

Here are the ten questions I have been asked 🙂

Question 1 – What motivated you to start blogging?

I have always been interested in writing and reading, I do an English Literature degree at University. I could really see my writing improving and wanted to capture its progress I guess. Also I think with restrictions in the media, it is important to be able to have a voice and showcase that to others.

Question 2 –  Favorite clothing brand?

My favourite clothing brand is definitely River Island. I love really out there prints and bold colours and their store is full of items like that. My style is really unique and I don’t tend to follow trends. If I am comfortable in something, I don’t care about what anyone says I’ll buy it. I also love Top Shop (especially the student discount). I buy my jeans from Top Shop and a lot of underwear from there. I also love their winter collections as well because they do some gorgeous knitwear pieces.

Question 3 – What is you’re dream career?

My ultimate dream career would be to be a writer for a living. I would love to write a novel, do articles for magazines on either fashion and beauty or sport and fitness.

Question 4 – Top wish list items at the moment?

I’m a clothes horder and I have recently seen some beautiful dresses that I want to purchase for my holidays! Also on my wishlist there are some nude 6 inch heels I have seen from Dorothy Perkins that are beautiful! As well as books, books and more books!

Question 5 – Do you prefer to online or store shop?

I much prefer to shop in store. I feel like you really get a feel of the different fabrics. Also one item does not suit all. I always like to try my clothes on before I buy them and get the best fit possible. I also think online shopping takes the fun out of meeting your girlfriends and asking advice on certain clothes and styles. I would much rather be out and about shopping than sat in front of my laptop.

Question 6 – Use 3 words to describe you?

Happy, creative and hardworking. 

Question 7 – Favorite fashion designers?

I have always loved Ralph Lauren. I own a purple cashmere jumper of his, a woolen jumper and a polo shirt and I am in love with all items. His fragrances smell beautiful as well.  I love Jimmy Choo also.

Question 8 – Describe you’re dream vacation?

My dream holiday would be to a place like Bora Bora or the Maldives. Somewhere hot and sunny and really relaxing. Also somewhere I could relax but mix it up with water sport activities. Both of those destinations look like paradise.

Question 9 – What are the goals for you’re blog?

My goals are for people to enjoy what I write. I want people to be interested in my work and inspire people. I have inspired a few people to make a blog and they really enjoy it.

Question 10 – If you had the opportunity to interview a celebrity, who would it be?

I would choose to interview Angelina Jolie. I would ask her not only about her acting career but about her role as an ambassador. I would ask about her charity work and opinions on world issues.

Have you been nominated for the Fashionista award? Well,
 You are doing an awesome job on your blog and that I am a keen follower of your blog! This award is given out to exceptional bloggers that the community of WordPress have recognized, and its your job to pass on the gesture of the award giving! The main purpose of this award is to gain more recognition and a sense of a community with a common interest. In this particular blog, I post about what I think about trends, styles and seasons must haves!

The Rules
1) You get notified in a comment on one of your recent posts of your nomination. Great job! In your Fashionista post thank whoever nominated you!

2) Now its time to spread the word of you’re achievement. Write a blog post containing an image of the award and answer the 10 questions about yourself that will be provided by you by your nominator. Its a way for the blogosphere to get to know you better!

3) In you’re post, include a link back to the original post about the award (this page) and choose 10 people that you nominate to receive the next Fashionista award! (Any fashion related blog under 5000 followers)

4) This is like a chain of giving recognition to those who deserve it, so don’t be the one to break it! Inform you’re top 10 on their nomination and send them to this page! All nominees (including you) should post a comment on this post saying “I was nominated!”

5) Every month, a poll will be held on this post with the Top 5 bloggers. (chosen randomly from the comments) and you all get to vote which is you’re favorite! If you are one of them, and you win, then you get the highest recognition in a separate blog post on this blog with a link back, a follow and a choice to guest post (this is entirely up to you if you would like to guest post on this blog)

So, that’s it! Go nominate some people after you have been nominated and don’t forget to always link back to this page, leave a comment and maybe follow my blog? I would really appreciate it!

For my lucky Top 10 bloggers, here are my questions for you (to answer in you’re blog post about this award)!

1) What motivated you to start blogging?
2) Favourite clothing brand?
3) What is your dream career?
4) Top wish list items at the moment?
5) Do you prefer to online or store shop?
6) Use 3 words to describe you?
7) Favorite fashion designers?
8) Describe your dream holiday?
9) What are the goals for you’re blog?
10) If you had the opportunity to interview a celebrity, who would it be?

My nominations are as follows…

1 – 

2 –

3 –

4 –

5 –

6 –


8 –

9 –

10 –